The Giant Set Routine!

The Giant Set Routine!.............

Welcome to the giant set routine! The short and intensive 3 day split program hits every muscle group with 3 huge superset of 3 different exercises done. This training is designed for pure muscle power shock!

Workout Notes:

      * Warm up 5-10 minutes before each cardio session.
      * Run extends normal body temperature.
      * warm up thoroughly trained muscle group.
      * Each exercise is performed one after another without rest between exercises. Rest 2-3 minutes after each series of exercises and repeat.
      * Cool down for 5-10 minutes at the end of the meeting

Abs & Calves:

      * Perform abdominal muscles Monday and Friday.
      * Perform calf on Wednesday (seated and standing calf raises)

Daily training schedule:
Monday - chest and triceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Incline Dumbbell Press
Flat dumbbell press
Flat bench flies
No rest between exercises! 3 10 per exercise
Exercise Sets Reps
Skull Breaker
Dumbbell kickbacks
Seated dumbbell extensions
No rest between exercises! 3 10 per exercise

Tuesday - Closed
Wednesday - back and biceps
Exercise Sets Reps
EZ Reverse Grip Dumbbell Row
Barbell bent-over row
Bent-over dumbbell row
No rest between exercises! 3 10 per exercise
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell curls
Concentration Curl
Hammer Curl
No rest between exercises! 3 10 per exercise

Thursday - Closed
Friday - legs and shoulders
Exercise Sets Reps
Leg Press
Leg Extension
Leg Curl
No rest between exercises! 3 10 per exercise
Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell Press
Dumbbell lateral raise
Raise dumbbell rear deltoid
No rest between exercises! 3 10 per exercise

Saturday and Sunday - REST DAYS