Advanced Bodybuilder Workout
Advanced bodybuilders train to advanced athletes with at least 1 year experience suitable lifting. Find your training a notch and pack on some serious muscle move? Then this training is for you.
This advanced bodybuilders workout is designed to destroy each muscle group once a week for 5 days! Monday, you have the shoulders, arms Tuesday for Wednesday hit for legs, Thursday and Friday for back to breast. To take care of the middle part is you do an abdominal exercise at the end of daily training.
To do the maximum results from this exercise it will vary a little. The best way is to do this by superset exercises. You should have a connection and disconnection exercise superset of every day, 3 every week. You should guess your muscles. Use this advanced bodybuilding workout for 8-12 weeks, then change it up.
Monday - Shoulders and Abs
Exercise Sets Reps
Military Press 8 to 10 April
Barbell Front Raise 3 10
Upright Row 4 8
Dumbbell lateral raises 4 8
Dumbbell Reverse Fly 3 10
Exercise Sets Reps
Decline Sit Ups 3 MAX
Workout Notes:
be dumbbell lateral raises with upright rows superset.
Keep is a weight plate on your chest decline situps for a body weight is not challenging enough.
Tuesday - Arms and Abs
Exercise Sets Reps
Standing barbell curls 4 8
Preacher Curls 4 8
Cable Curl 4 8
Close Grip Bench Press 4 6
Triceps Dip 3 10 + (MAX)
Lying Triceps Extension (Skull Crusher) of 8 to 10 April
Barbell Unterarmcurls 3 10
Exercise Sets Reps
Hanging leg raises 3 MAX
Workout Notes:
Wednesday - Legs and Abs
Quads / thighs / buttocks
Exercise Sets Reps
Squat May 5 to 7
45 ° Leg Press 4 10
Leg Extension 8 to 10 April
Leg Curl 8 to 10 April
Exercise Sets Reps
Seated calf raises 12 to 15 April
45 degrees Calf Press April 10 to 12
Hover three long as Poss
Workout Notes:
Seated Calf Raise: You can not have 15 body weight, standing calf raises directly add to the intensity.
Thursday - Back and Abs
Exercise Sets Reps
Wide Grip Pull Up 8 to 10 May
Lat Pull Down 4 10
Row 4 10
One-arm dumbbell rows 3 8
Exercise Sets Reps
Decline Abdominal Reach 3 MAX
Workout Notes:
Pulldowns with seated row can be superset to add intensity.
Friday - Chest and abdominal
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Bench Press 6 to 10 May
Incline Bench Press 4 8
Chest Dip 4 8
Dumbbell Flys April 10 to 12
Exercise Sets Reps
Exercise Ball Crunch 3 20
Workout Notes:
Weight bench with incline dumbbell flys are superset.
Dumbbell Flys: You can do this either on the flat bench incline depending on what made you part of the breast.
Saturday and Sunday - rest days
This advanced bodybuilders workout is designed to destroy each muscle group once a week for 5 days! Monday, you have the shoulders, arms Tuesday for Wednesday hit for legs, Thursday and Friday for back to breast. To take care of the middle part is you do an abdominal exercise at the end of daily training.
To do the maximum results from this exercise it will vary a little. The best way is to do this by superset exercises. You should have a connection and disconnection exercise superset of every day, 3 every week. You should guess your muscles. Use this advanced bodybuilding workout for 8-12 weeks, then change it up.
Monday - Shoulders and Abs
Exercise Sets Reps
Military Press 8 to 10 April
Barbell Front Raise 3 10
Upright Row 4 8
Dumbbell lateral raises 4 8
Dumbbell Reverse Fly 3 10
Exercise Sets Reps
Decline Sit Ups 3 MAX
Workout Notes:
be dumbbell lateral raises with upright rows superset.
Keep is a weight plate on your chest decline situps for a body weight is not challenging enough.
Tuesday - Arms and Abs
Exercise Sets Reps
Standing barbell curls 4 8
Preacher Curls 4 8
Cable Curl 4 8
Close Grip Bench Press 4 6
Triceps Dip 3 10 + (MAX)
Lying Triceps Extension (Skull Crusher) of 8 to 10 April
Barbell Unterarmcurls 3 10
Exercise Sets Reps
Hanging leg raises 3 MAX
Workout Notes:
Wednesday - Legs and Abs
Quads / thighs / buttocks
Exercise Sets Reps
Squat May 5 to 7
45 ° Leg Press 4 10
Leg Extension 8 to 10 April
Leg Curl 8 to 10 April
Exercise Sets Reps
Seated calf raises 12 to 15 April
45 degrees Calf Press April 10 to 12
Hover three long as Poss
Workout Notes:
Seated Calf Raise: You can not have 15 body weight, standing calf raises directly add to the intensity.
Thursday - Back and Abs
Exercise Sets Reps
Wide Grip Pull Up 8 to 10 May
Lat Pull Down 4 10
Row 4 10
One-arm dumbbell rows 3 8
Exercise Sets Reps
Decline Abdominal Reach 3 MAX
Workout Notes:
Pulldowns with seated row can be superset to add intensity.
Friday - Chest and abdominal
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Bench Press 6 to 10 May
Incline Bench Press 4 8
Chest Dip 4 8
Dumbbell Flys April 10 to 12
Exercise Sets Reps
Exercise Ball Crunch 3 20
Workout Notes:
Weight bench with incline dumbbell flys are superset.
Dumbbell Flys: You can do this either on the flat bench incline depending on what made you part of the breast.
Saturday and Sunday - rest days