Shaun's 4 Day Muscle Building Split Routine
Welcome to Shaun's four days split toning workout! This training was designed by Shaun in the muscle and strength and should represent those of the muscle and / or weight gain should be used.
Workout Notes:
* Remember to always warm up properly as 50-10 minutes of cardio and stretching,
* Always complete warm-up sets before the first exercise, a set of little or no weight 15-20 reps and a rate of 50% of initial weight 15 reps.
* I have some good supersets and drop sets have annexed to use in this routine, please remember not to take advantage of it!
* 2-1-2 rep timing to be used with this routine.
* As of exercises on Monday and Thursday, exercises 2 3 sets of each exercise at the end of the training.
Daily training schedule:
Monday - chest and triceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Incline Dumbbell Press 8 to 10 April
Flat Bench Press 8 to 10 April
Incline Dumbbell Flying 3 10
Cable Crossover 3 10
Exercise Sets Reps
Close Grip Bench Press 3 10
Hanging rope extensions 3 10
Reverse Push Downs 3 10
Workout Notes:
Switch between DB and dumbbells for the incline bench press exercises.
Switch between flying flat and incline bench press DB.
Superset: DB DB press with flying.
Tuesday - Legs
Quads, thighs and buttocks
Exercise Sets Reps
Squat 4 12, 10, 8, 6
Leg Press 4 10
Leg extensions 3 12
Stiff leg deadlifts 4 10
Leg Curls 3 12
Exercise Sets Reps
Smith Machine Calf Raise 4 12
Seated calf raises 4 8
Workout Notes:
Superset: leg press with leg extension.
Triple drop set on leg curl machine.
Wednesday - Closed
Thursday - Shoulders
Exercise Sets Reps
Military Press 4 10
Dumbbell lateral raises 3 10
Bent over reverse crossover 3 10
Plate Shrugs 3 10
Workout Notes:
Military press on the head, use full range of motion rite down in front of the shoulders.
Superset shurgs Olympic Bar and Plate shrugs 3 sets of 10 reps on each.
Friday - back and biceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Wide Grip Pull Up 4 10
Lat Pull Down 4 10
Seated cable rows 4 10
Bent Barbell Row 4 10
Exercise Sets Reps
Standing barbell curls March 8 to 10
Seated Alternate Dumbbell Curl 8 to 10 March
Hammer Curls 3 10
Workout Notes:
Negative try If you dont have an assistant or adviser pullup machine.
Dropset: pulldowns
Workout Notes:
* Remember to always warm up properly as 50-10 minutes of cardio and stretching,
* Always complete warm-up sets before the first exercise, a set of little or no weight 15-20 reps and a rate of 50% of initial weight 15 reps.
* I have some good supersets and drop sets have annexed to use in this routine, please remember not to take advantage of it!
* 2-1-2 rep timing to be used with this routine.
* As of exercises on Monday and Thursday, exercises 2 3 sets of each exercise at the end of the training.
Daily training schedule:
Monday - chest and triceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Incline Dumbbell Press 8 to 10 April
Flat Bench Press 8 to 10 April
Incline Dumbbell Flying 3 10
Cable Crossover 3 10
Exercise Sets Reps
Close Grip Bench Press 3 10
Hanging rope extensions 3 10
Reverse Push Downs 3 10
Workout Notes:
Switch between DB and dumbbells for the incline bench press exercises.
Switch between flying flat and incline bench press DB.
Superset: DB DB press with flying.
Tuesday - Legs
Quads, thighs and buttocks
Exercise Sets Reps
Squat 4 12, 10, 8, 6
Leg Press 4 10
Leg extensions 3 12
Stiff leg deadlifts 4 10
Leg Curls 3 12
Exercise Sets Reps
Smith Machine Calf Raise 4 12
Seated calf raises 4 8
Workout Notes:
Superset: leg press with leg extension.
Triple drop set on leg curl machine.
Wednesday - Closed
Thursday - Shoulders
Exercise Sets Reps
Military Press 4 10
Dumbbell lateral raises 3 10
Bent over reverse crossover 3 10
Plate Shrugs 3 10
Workout Notes:
Military press on the head, use full range of motion rite down in front of the shoulders.
Superset shurgs Olympic Bar and Plate shrugs 3 sets of 10 reps on each.
Friday - back and biceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Wide Grip Pull Up 4 10
Lat Pull Down 4 10
Seated cable rows 4 10
Bent Barbell Row 4 10
Exercise Sets Reps
Standing barbell curls March 8 to 10
Seated Alternate Dumbbell Curl 8 to 10 March
Hammer Curls 3 10
Workout Notes:
Negative try If you dont have an assistant or adviser pullup machine.
Dropset: pulldowns