Based Shaun's 3 Day Muscle Building Split Workout
The goal of this training is to build muscle. All times are rep 2-1-2, unless specified in the Notes and all other times are 1 minute between sets and 2 minutes between exercises. As always, do a warm-up cardio by doing 5-10 minutes of stretching and some warm-up sets on the first exercise.
The work of the Abs on a Monday and / or Friday, if desired.
Daily training schedule:
Day 1 - Chest & Biceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Incline Smith Machine Press 4 10
Flat Bench Press Barbell 4 10
Chest Dips 3 10
Pec-Dec 3 12
Exercise Sets Reps
EZ Bar Curls 8 to 10 March
Concentration curls 3 10
Reverse barbell curls 3 12
Workout Notes:
Use timing to 3-1-3 Incline Smith Machine Press
Tuesday - Closed
Day 2 - Legs & Shoulders
Exercise Sets Reps
Squat 5 10
Leg Press 10 to 12 April
Stiff leg deadlift April 8 to 10
Seated calf raises 8 to 10 March
Standing calf raises 12 to 15 March
Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell shoulder press 8 to 10 April
Seated dumbbell lateral raises 3 10
Rear Delt Machine 3 10
Dumbbell Shrugs 10 to 12 April
Workout Notes:
Try some deep knee bends 3-2 rep timing (using light) for a change
Use a drop on the leg press unit to the quads a shock
If your gym does not replace Rear Delt Machine Reverse Flying with dumbbell
Using 3-1-3 rep timing of the seated lat raises
Thursday - Closed
Day 3 - Back & Triceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Wide Grip Pullups 8 to 12 April
Pulldowns 4 10
One-arm dumbbell rows 4 10
T-Bar Rows 4 10
Exercise Sets Reps
Lying Triceps Extension 3 10
Rope Pulldowns 3 12
Reverse single arm extension 3 12
Workout Notes:
3-1-3 rep timing on Lat Pulldown Machine
Weekend - Rest
The work of the Abs on a Monday and / or Friday, if desired.
Daily training schedule:
Day 1 - Chest & Biceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Incline Smith Machine Press 4 10
Flat Bench Press Barbell 4 10
Chest Dips 3 10
Pec-Dec 3 12
Exercise Sets Reps
EZ Bar Curls 8 to 10 March
Concentration curls 3 10
Reverse barbell curls 3 12
Workout Notes:
Use timing to 3-1-3 Incline Smith Machine Press
Tuesday - Closed
Day 2 - Legs & Shoulders
Exercise Sets Reps
Squat 5 10
Leg Press 10 to 12 April
Stiff leg deadlift April 8 to 10
Seated calf raises 8 to 10 March
Standing calf raises 12 to 15 March
Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell shoulder press 8 to 10 April
Seated dumbbell lateral raises 3 10
Rear Delt Machine 3 10
Dumbbell Shrugs 10 to 12 April
Workout Notes:
Try some deep knee bends 3-2 rep timing (using light) for a change
Use a drop on the leg press unit to the quads a shock
If your gym does not replace Rear Delt Machine Reverse Flying with dumbbell
Using 3-1-3 rep timing of the seated lat raises
Thursday - Closed
Day 3 - Back & Triceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Wide Grip Pullups 8 to 12 April
Pulldowns 4 10
One-arm dumbbell rows 4 10
T-Bar Rows 4 10
Exercise Sets Reps
Lying Triceps Extension 3 10
Rope Pulldowns 3 12
Reverse single arm extension 3 12
Workout Notes:
3-1-3 rep timing on Lat Pulldown Machine
Weekend - Rest