Compound Exercises Only Workout
Add a little variety to your exercise program by just using the big compound movements. This training with compound exercises only. Basic exercises are movements that require more than one joint and more than one muscle group.
Basic exercises are the biggest muscle builders. Cycle to add this exercise in your daily routine some variety. There was also a further connections that I do not add exchange, the things!
Daily training schedule:
Monday - Chest & Triceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell bench press 4 12
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 4 10
Exercise Sets Reps
Close Grip Bench Press 4 8
Dips 4 max
Tuesday - Legs & Abs
Exercise Sets Reps
Deep Squats 4 12,10,8,6
Stiff Legged Deadlift 4 12,10,8,6
Dumbbell Lunges 4 8 each leg
Exercise Sets Reps
Lying floor leg raise with Crunch
5 20
Workout Notes:
Increase weight on each set of squats and deadlift
Crunch: lay on the floor, a small weight held over your head. Bring your arms and legs until they almost touch. Slowly lower down to 1 inch of soil
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday - Back & Biceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Wide Grip Pullup 4 12
Chin-ups 4 10
Barbell bent over rows 4 12
Cable line 4 10
Workout Notes:
If you can not complete all repetitions for pull-ups, round off the set of negatives (jump up and slowly lower down).
If you do not, pull-ups, lat pull down use.
All these exercises work the biceps and back.
Friday - Shoulders, Traps & Abs
Shoulders / traps
Exercise Sets Reps
Press 4 Military 12,10,8,6
Alternate Arm Seated dumbbell press 4 10
Shrugs 4 8
Upright rows 4 12
Exercise Sets Reps
Bicycle Floor Ab Crunch 5 20
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Basic exercises are the biggest muscle builders. Cycle to add this exercise in your daily routine some variety. There was also a further connections that I do not add exchange, the things!
Daily training schedule:
Monday - Chest & Triceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell bench press 4 12
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 4 10
Exercise Sets Reps
Close Grip Bench Press 4 8
Dips 4 max
Tuesday - Legs & Abs
Exercise Sets Reps
Deep Squats 4 12,10,8,6
Stiff Legged Deadlift 4 12,10,8,6
Dumbbell Lunges 4 8 each leg
Exercise Sets Reps
Lying floor leg raise with Crunch
5 20
Workout Notes:
Increase weight on each set of squats and deadlift
Crunch: lay on the floor, a small weight held over your head. Bring your arms and legs until they almost touch. Slowly lower down to 1 inch of soil
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday - Back & Biceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Wide Grip Pullup 4 12
Chin-ups 4 10
Barbell bent over rows 4 12
Cable line 4 10
Workout Notes:
If you can not complete all repetitions for pull-ups, round off the set of negatives (jump up and slowly lower down).
If you do not, pull-ups, lat pull down use.
All these exercises work the biceps and back.
Friday - Shoulders, Traps & Abs
Shoulders / traps
Exercise Sets Reps
Press 4 Military 12,10,8,6
Alternate Arm Seated dumbbell press 4 10
Shrugs 4 8
Upright rows 4 12
Exercise Sets Reps
Bicycle Floor Ab Crunch 5 20
Saturday and Sunday: Closed