Jeremy's 6 Day Hardcore Strength Workout
Visit to train like a lot? Try This!
This is a template I came up with that has worked very well for me. It consists of training six days a week with short sessions with low reps. The training program has improved my overall strength. I moved all my big lifts bring together with more strength. The program has a lot of variety in it, so you can constantly meet new personal records. It takes a fundamental basis in push / pull format with more variety and more frequent training sessions.
The key to this program is to track your weight on any of the exercises and make sure to add weight each time you do the exercise. These sessions are short, so your body can recover before the next training. This training will work for advanced athletes, a solid base from the unemployed. Diversity is the key to any workout program, so you do not get bored.
If you would like to train and work out 6 days a week to try to give this program. If you work hard and follow your progress you make some serious advantages.
So, here it is:
Exercise Sets Reps
Parallel squats - Week 1 of 5 to 8 January (singles)
Parallel squats - Week 2 5 5
Half Squat From Bottom position 3 to 5 January (singles)
Quarter Squat From Bottom position 3 to 5 January (singles)
Speed Deadlift 5 to 8 January (singles)
Exercise Sets Reps
Bench press - Week 1 5 5
Bench press - Week 5 to 8 February 1 (singles)
Weighted dips (add weight if you can 35 total) 5 Max
Chest Supported Rows 5 5
Barbell curls (5x5 or 4x6) 5 5
Exercise Sets Reps
Speed squats (50-60% of your max) 12 2
Heavy conventional stance deadlift - Week 1 5 5
Heavy Sumo Stance Deadlift - Week 3 to 5 February 1 (singles)
Notes: For the deadlift, you use groups of 3 or 1 and work up to a new personal record.
Exercise Sets Reps
Power Clean 5th to 8 January (singles)
Two Hand Snatch - Week 1 of 5 to 8 January (singles)
One Arm Snatch - Week 2 of 3 to 5 January (singles)
Seated dumbbell press - Week 1 3 to 5 May
Standing Military Press - Week 2 May 3 to 5
Seats behind the neck press - Week 3 May 3 to 5
Bent Row - Week 1 (All repeat region can be used) 5 5
Yates Row - Week 2 (Any rep range can be used) 5 5
Exercise Sets Reps
ATG (Ass to Grass) squats - Week January 1, 2005 to 08 (Singles)
Front Squats - Week 2 January 5 to 8 (singles)
Deficit deadlift 5 Low Reps
Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell bench press - Week 1 5 5
Incline bench press - Week 2 5 3
Pull-Ups - Week 1 50 Total Varies
Weighted Pull-Ups - Week 2 5 5
Reverse Grip Clean and press 5 to 8 January (singles)
Seated Military Press - Week 1 5 5
Bottom position is seated military press - Week January 2, 2005 to 08 (Singles)
This is a template I came up with that has worked very well for me. It consists of training six days a week with short sessions with low reps. The training program has improved my overall strength. I moved all my big lifts bring together with more strength. The program has a lot of variety in it, so you can constantly meet new personal records. It takes a fundamental basis in push / pull format with more variety and more frequent training sessions.
The key to this program is to track your weight on any of the exercises and make sure to add weight each time you do the exercise. These sessions are short, so your body can recover before the next training. This training will work for advanced athletes, a solid base from the unemployed. Diversity is the key to any workout program, so you do not get bored.
If you would like to train and work out 6 days a week to try to give this program. If you work hard and follow your progress you make some serious advantages.
So, here it is:
Exercise Sets Reps
Parallel squats - Week 1 of 5 to 8 January (singles)
Parallel squats - Week 2 5 5
Half Squat From Bottom position 3 to 5 January (singles)
Quarter Squat From Bottom position 3 to 5 January (singles)
Speed Deadlift 5 to 8 January (singles)
Exercise Sets Reps
Bench press - Week 1 5 5
Bench press - Week 5 to 8 February 1 (singles)
Weighted dips (add weight if you can 35 total) 5 Max
Chest Supported Rows 5 5
Barbell curls (5x5 or 4x6) 5 5
Exercise Sets Reps
Speed squats (50-60% of your max) 12 2
Heavy conventional stance deadlift - Week 1 5 5
Heavy Sumo Stance Deadlift - Week 3 to 5 February 1 (singles)
Notes: For the deadlift, you use groups of 3 or 1 and work up to a new personal record.
Exercise Sets Reps
Power Clean 5th to 8 January (singles)
Two Hand Snatch - Week 1 of 5 to 8 January (singles)
One Arm Snatch - Week 2 of 3 to 5 January (singles)
Seated dumbbell press - Week 1 3 to 5 May
Standing Military Press - Week 2 May 3 to 5
Seats behind the neck press - Week 3 May 3 to 5
Bent Row - Week 1 (All repeat region can be used) 5 5
Yates Row - Week 2 (Any rep range can be used) 5 5
Exercise Sets Reps
ATG (Ass to Grass) squats - Week January 1, 2005 to 08 (Singles)
Front Squats - Week 2 January 5 to 8 (singles)
Deficit deadlift 5 Low Reps
Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell bench press - Week 1 5 5
Incline bench press - Week 2 5 3
Pull-Ups - Week 1 50 Total Varies
Weighted Pull-Ups - Week 2 5 5
Reverse Grip Clean and press 5 to 8 January (singles)
Seated Military Press - Week 1 5 5
Bottom position is seated military press - Week January 2, 2005 to 08 (Singles)