Single Arm Dumbbell Incline Curls Workout
Muscles worked: Biceps, a great exercise to develop the biceps, especially in the lower biceps
Spotter Required: No
Minimum Equipment required: A standard bench press, that slopes
The best equipment to use: An Olympic Bank, the slopes or a preacher curl machine.
Warm up: If one-armed dumbbell curls inclination of the first training session in your biceps are routine, then do 2 warm-up sets with 50% of the weight you would normally perform the exercise. But if you have already heated the biceps, there is no need to warm-up with this exercise.
How often should this exercise: Single-arm dumbbell incline curls are a great exercise to target your lower biceps, forming the bottom and can be performed using any biceps exercise. You can alternate this with Preacher curls with a straight barbell or EZ barbell.
When should this exercise: I recommend this practice as the second or third exercise in your biceps, as a lot of energy consumed, and I personally find this more I exercise when I feel in an earlier pumped biceps exercises such as standing barbell curls.
How to Exercise: With the bank or preacher machine at a 45 degree angle, holding on to the barbell with an underhand grip, starting with the right or left arm (to you). Rest of the arm holding the dumbbell on the bench / preacher with his chest pressed against him.
Keep your arm steady start on the bench / preacher to raise the bar with his forearm, keeping your triceps on the Bank / preacher all the time to bring the weight up to the upper position, then they start again lower, with the weights resistance of the entire time. Once you made your number of repetitions swap to the other arm.
You should keep the other arm on the bench / preacher, as this will cause you stable during the exercise. You should need no rest between sets, once with your right arm ready to go back immediately lift his left arm and again until you have completed the number of sets for each arm.
Use your body weight to lift the barbell, I often see people who tried their body weight by, lean back in an attempt to raise the bar, often they do so within the first few repetitions of the exercise. This essentially means raising the bar is too heavy.
The great advantage of this type of exercise (or any kind of exercise dumbbell) is the fact that you can target weak spots, for example, if you have a biceps weaker or smaller than the other you can provide additional repetitions or sets with the weaker biceps add. For me personally, my left bicep is weaker and lacks the same level as the right biceps, so any time I need a dumbbell bicep exercise, I have always set an extra, temporary muscle failure on my left bicep.
Attitudes: the one-arm dumbbell incline curl exercise often makes the lower biceps feel uncomfortable, this is quite natural, so make sure if you are tired rest for 2 seconds at the head of the movement, take a deep breath and keep going.
Spotter Required: No
Minimum Equipment required: A standard bench press, that slopes
The best equipment to use: An Olympic Bank, the slopes or a preacher curl machine.
Warm up: If one-armed dumbbell curls inclination of the first training session in your biceps are routine, then do 2 warm-up sets with 50% of the weight you would normally perform the exercise. But if you have already heated the biceps, there is no need to warm-up with this exercise.
How often should this exercise: Single-arm dumbbell incline curls are a great exercise to target your lower biceps, forming the bottom and can be performed using any biceps exercise. You can alternate this with Preacher curls with a straight barbell or EZ barbell.
When should this exercise: I recommend this practice as the second or third exercise in your biceps, as a lot of energy consumed, and I personally find this more I exercise when I feel in an earlier pumped biceps exercises such as standing barbell curls.
How to Exercise: With the bank or preacher machine at a 45 degree angle, holding on to the barbell with an underhand grip, starting with the right or left arm (to you). Rest of the arm holding the dumbbell on the bench / preacher with his chest pressed against him.
Keep your arm steady start on the bench / preacher to raise the bar with his forearm, keeping your triceps on the Bank / preacher all the time to bring the weight up to the upper position, then they start again lower, with the weights resistance of the entire time. Once you made your number of repetitions swap to the other arm.
You should keep the other arm on the bench / preacher, as this will cause you stable during the exercise. You should need no rest between sets, once with your right arm ready to go back immediately lift his left arm and again until you have completed the number of sets for each arm.
Use your body weight to lift the barbell, I often see people who tried their body weight by, lean back in an attempt to raise the bar, often they do so within the first few repetitions of the exercise. This essentially means raising the bar is too heavy.
The great advantage of this type of exercise (or any kind of exercise dumbbell) is the fact that you can target weak spots, for example, if you have a biceps weaker or smaller than the other you can provide additional repetitions or sets with the weaker biceps add. For me personally, my left bicep is weaker and lacks the same level as the right biceps, so any time I need a dumbbell bicep exercise, I have always set an extra, temporary muscle failure on my left bicep.
Attitudes: the one-arm dumbbell incline curl exercise often makes the lower biceps feel uncomfortable, this is quite natural, so make sure if you are tired rest for 2 seconds at the head of the movement, take a deep breath and keep going.