8 Week Intense Back Workout
You should do this training once a week along with the rest of your training. There are 4 different workouts below, they must be driven for 8 weeks as recommended.
Workout Notes:
1. Perform a 5 minute cardio warm up before each workout.
2. Perform 2 easy sets before working phase.
3. Strict technique on all exercises. (see back exercises)
4. Target, at least one aspect of improving your training per week.
Weekly Workout Routines:
Workout # 1 - Weeks 1 and 5
Exercise Sets Reps
Pull-ups wide grip 4 max
Superset Lat pull down / seated row 4 10 on each exercise
Bent over barbell row 4 10
Workout # 2 - week 2, 6
Exercise Sets Reps
Assisted pullups / pulldowns superset pull 4 15 / 10 draw down
Seated row fall Set 3 MAX
Body weight line 4 10, 10, 8, 6
One arm cable row (3-1-3 rep timing) 3 10
Workout # 3 - weeks 3 and 7
Exercise Sets Reps
Wide grip pull ups max 4, 10, 8, 8
Pulldowns 3 10, 10, 10
Bent over row 4 8, 6, 6, 5
One arm cable row (3-1-3 rep timing) 4 15
Workout # 4 - 4 and 8 weeks
Exercise Sets Reps
Tri set: Assisted pull ups / lat pull down / seated row 3 10 on each exercise
Straight Arm Lat Pulldown (2-1-2 rep timing) 3 12
Body weight line 3 MAX
Workout Notes:
1. Perform a 5 minute cardio warm up before each workout.
2. Perform 2 easy sets before working phase.
3. Strict technique on all exercises. (see back exercises)
4. Target, at least one aspect of improving your training per week.
Weekly Workout Routines:
Workout # 1 - Weeks 1 and 5
Exercise Sets Reps
Pull-ups wide grip 4 max
Superset Lat pull down / seated row 4 10 on each exercise
Bent over barbell row 4 10
Workout # 2 - week 2, 6
Exercise Sets Reps
Assisted pullups / pulldowns superset pull 4 15 / 10 draw down
Seated row fall Set 3 MAX
Body weight line 4 10, 10, 8, 6
One arm cable row (3-1-3 rep timing) 3 10
Workout # 3 - weeks 3 and 7
Exercise Sets Reps
Wide grip pull ups max 4, 10, 8, 8
Pulldowns 3 10, 10, 10
Bent over row 4 8, 6, 6, 5
One arm cable row (3-1-3 rep timing) 4 15
Workout # 4 - 4 and 8 weeks
Exercise Sets Reps
Tri set: Assisted pull ups / lat pull down / seated row 3 10 on each exercise
Straight Arm Lat Pulldown (2-1-2 rep timing) 3 12
Body weight line 3 MAX