Bench Dips (Lying Dips) Workout
Muscles worked: Triceps - A great workout for building mass and strength in the triceps muscles, especially upper triceps.
Spotter needed: No (except if you need someone to put on weight plates on the legs)
Minimum Equipment needed: 2 chairs
to use the best equipment: 2 Bench Press
Warm up: If triceps bench dips are your first training, then I recommend warming up without weights and run the first couple of reps on the upper half of the movement to go down only halfway. say after 3-4 repetitions, then I would run full freedom of movement for another 10 to 15 repetitions.
How often should this exercise: Bench Dips can be performed with any triceps exercise and is a good alternative to the upright dips. If you have difficulty performing upright dips, then I recommend bench dips.
When should this exercise: Bench Dips will use quite a lot of energy, so it is best to execute them at or near the beginning of the triceps exercise.
How to Exercise: Keep you access to a bank of shoulder width on the other bank to ensure your legs straight and keep your heels resting on the bench. Your back should be easy to avoid front of the bank, scraping his back on the way down. blocked Starting at the top of the movement with the arms, slowly begin to reach deeper until your arms form an angle of 90 degrees when the 90-degree angle to reach again lift up without locking your elbows.
Keep the head and back straight when you excel at bench dips, you can start increasing the resistance by a partner to a weight plate (or more) instead of the legs.
Mentality: Bench Dips can be hard, so make sure you breath properly in this training. If you find it a difficult exercise, you can always bench dips with feet on the ground until you become sure.
Spotter needed: No (except if you need someone to put on weight plates on the legs)
Minimum Equipment needed: 2 chairs
to use the best equipment: 2 Bench Press
Warm up: If triceps bench dips are your first training, then I recommend warming up without weights and run the first couple of reps on the upper half of the movement to go down only halfway. say after 3-4 repetitions, then I would run full freedom of movement for another 10 to 15 repetitions.
How often should this exercise: Bench Dips can be performed with any triceps exercise and is a good alternative to the upright dips. If you have difficulty performing upright dips, then I recommend bench dips.
When should this exercise: Bench Dips will use quite a lot of energy, so it is best to execute them at or near the beginning of the triceps exercise.
How to Exercise: Keep you access to a bank of shoulder width on the other bank to ensure your legs straight and keep your heels resting on the bench. Your back should be easy to avoid front of the bank, scraping his back on the way down. blocked Starting at the top of the movement with the arms, slowly begin to reach deeper until your arms form an angle of 90 degrees when the 90-degree angle to reach again lift up without locking your elbows.
Keep the head and back straight when you excel at bench dips, you can start increasing the resistance by a partner to a weight plate (or more) instead of the legs.
Mentality: Bench Dips can be hard, so make sure you breath properly in this training. If you find it a difficult exercise, you can always bench dips with feet on the ground until you become sure.