Bent Over Lateral Raises Workout
Muscles worked: Rear Deltoid
Spotter Required: No
Minimum Equipment Required: Standard adjustable dumbbells
to use the best equipment: Fixed stupid bells and Olympic free weights
Warm up: Warm up to perform a rate 15 to 20 reps of the exercise with minimal weight.
How often should I perform this exercise: Bent over lateral raise is a great exercise for the back of your head deltoids destination and can be performed on each shoulder training. To mix the practice sitting until they wish, or use a cable cross machine.
When should this exercise: I personally think the rear deltoid muscle in my shoulder last workout, but they can be performed at any time.
How is the exercise: Hold two dumbbells bent on the sides with your palms facing inward and the elbow slightly bent, your feet should be shoulder width apart and slightly bent. Your upper body should look 45 degrees (ie parallel to the ground) and the head must be forward if you use a mirror, because there have to help with balance.
Slowly raise the weights to your sides until your arms are almost parallel to the floor, hold for half a second, a good contraction and slowly lower back to get the starting position.
The trick of this exercise is to ensure that you do not bounce back, I often see people in the gym this exercise, and jumping back and threw the weight in an uncontrolled manner. This means the weight too heavy for them, if you find you do this then please use lighter weights. Second, it is vital to ensure that your knees and elbows slightly bent, as this pressure increases from your joints.
Mentality: Do you focus on your whole energy into the rear deltoid muscle, this exercise is harder than it looks, I find it quite takes energy and you will notice when you are tired, can maintain in order to get lift the dumbbells as high If this happens do not shy away, quickly grab some lighter weights for your final set. If you can quickly look in the mirror to keep the balance.
Spotter Required: No
Minimum Equipment Required: Standard adjustable dumbbells
to use the best equipment: Fixed stupid bells and Olympic free weights
Warm up: Warm up to perform a rate 15 to 20 reps of the exercise with minimal weight.
How often should I perform this exercise: Bent over lateral raise is a great exercise for the back of your head deltoids destination and can be performed on each shoulder training. To mix the practice sitting until they wish, or use a cable cross machine.
When should this exercise: I personally think the rear deltoid muscle in my shoulder last workout, but they can be performed at any time.
How is the exercise: Hold two dumbbells bent on the sides with your palms facing inward and the elbow slightly bent, your feet should be shoulder width apart and slightly bent. Your upper body should look 45 degrees (ie parallel to the ground) and the head must be forward if you use a mirror, because there have to help with balance.
Slowly raise the weights to your sides until your arms are almost parallel to the floor, hold for half a second, a good contraction and slowly lower back to get the starting position.
The trick of this exercise is to ensure that you do not bounce back, I often see people in the gym this exercise, and jumping back and threw the weight in an uncontrolled manner. This means the weight too heavy for them, if you find you do this then please use lighter weights. Second, it is vital to ensure that your knees and elbows slightly bent, as this pressure increases from your joints.
Mentality: Do you focus on your whole energy into the rear deltoid muscle, this exercise is harder than it looks, I find it quite takes energy and you will notice when you are tired, can maintain in order to get lift the dumbbells as high If this happens do not shy away, quickly grab some lighter weights for your final set. If you can quickly look in the mirror to keep the balance.