Sean Sullivan's Power Base Workout
Calf and at the factory twice a week and just pick one and this exercise can be performed 5-6 sets of as many repetitions as you can. The rest between sets is 60-90 seconds and a few warm-up sets. Try the same weight all 6 sets, but you can lose one or two employees at the end. For example, set 1-4, you get the 6 reps, 5 reps, five and the last sentence have 4th Just try to get a good weight, not lower, even if it means 2-3 reps total.
Day 1 - chest, shoulders and triceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Incline Bench Press 6 6
Dumbbell bench presses 6 6
Exercise Sets Reps
High Pulls (wide grip, pull to the front) 4 4
Heavy dumbbell lateral raise (one arm at a time) 3 8
Exercise Sets Reps
Cable Triceps Extension 4 10
Day 2 - Legs
Exercise Sets Reps
Leg press 6 6
Squats 6 6
Hack Squats 6 6
Exercise Sets Reps
Leg Curls 5 8
Exercise Sets Reps
Leg extensions 4 10
Day 3 - Back & Biceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Reverse Grip Dumbbell Row 6 6
Medium Grip Lat Pull Down 6 6
Deadlift 6 6
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell curls 6 6
Preacher-Curl-6 6
Day 4 - Legs
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell lung 6 6
Seated Leg Curl 6 6
Wide stance squats (toes pointed) 6 6
Dumbbell stiff leg deadlifts 6 6
Step Up (High Bank or aerobic step) 6 6
Day 1 - chest, shoulders and triceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Incline Bench Press 6 6
Dumbbell bench presses 6 6
Exercise Sets Reps
High Pulls (wide grip, pull to the front) 4 4
Heavy dumbbell lateral raise (one arm at a time) 3 8
Exercise Sets Reps
Cable Triceps Extension 4 10
Day 2 - Legs
Exercise Sets Reps
Leg press 6 6
Squats 6 6
Hack Squats 6 6
Exercise Sets Reps
Leg Curls 5 8
Exercise Sets Reps
Leg extensions 4 10
Day 3 - Back & Biceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Reverse Grip Dumbbell Row 6 6
Medium Grip Lat Pull Down 6 6
Deadlift 6 6
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell curls 6 6
Preacher-Curl-6 6
Day 4 - Legs
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell lung 6 6
Seated Leg Curl 6 6
Wide stance squats (toes pointed) 6 6
Dumbbell stiff leg deadlifts 6 6
Step Up (High Bank or aerobic step) 6 6