Standing Barbell Bicep Curls Workout
Muscles worked: Biceps, good for building overall size and shape in the biceps
Spotter Required: No
Minimum Equipment Required: Standard Spinlock Barbell with weights
The best equipment to use: Olympic barbell with weights
Warm up: Warm up to perform a rate 15 to 20 reps of the exercise with minimal weight, typically half to one rep max.
How often should this exercise: Standing barbell curls are a great bicep exercise to really add to your biceps size, standing barbell curls can (and should) be done with any bicep training.
When should this exercise: Standing barbell curls can take some energy and you can also use heavier weights it at the beginning of your biceps training should be performed lift.
How to exercise: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and grab the bar with an underhand grip, hands should be about shoulder width away from each other.
The bar should hang down in front of you, now the bar to entice your biceps muscles and bring it to your body as close as possible so that your elbow is close to the body and head with your spine neutral.
When you get to the top of the movement squeeze your biceps for 2 seconds, this contract will help the muscle to increase muscle growth.Variations:
Outer Biceps: To set up your outer biceps (which helps high) Hold the barbell with a close grip, about 5-8 inches apart.
Inner Biceps: To target the inner biceps hold the bar with a wide grip, the wider the grip, the better you will target your inner biceps.
Mentality can barbell curl, a lot of energy from you so sure that you concentrate fully on this motion. Remember to keep your elbows in the same place and always the biceps to lift the weight when you lean back or swinging perform the barbell to the curl the weight too heavy or have a temporary failure, not at this point or it could be injury.
Spotter Required: No
Minimum Equipment Required: Standard Spinlock Barbell with weights
The best equipment to use: Olympic barbell with weights
Warm up: Warm up to perform a rate 15 to 20 reps of the exercise with minimal weight, typically half to one rep max.
How often should this exercise: Standing barbell curls are a great bicep exercise to really add to your biceps size, standing barbell curls can (and should) be done with any bicep training.
When should this exercise: Standing barbell curls can take some energy and you can also use heavier weights it at the beginning of your biceps training should be performed lift.
How to exercise: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and grab the bar with an underhand grip, hands should be about shoulder width away from each other.
The bar should hang down in front of you, now the bar to entice your biceps muscles and bring it to your body as close as possible so that your elbow is close to the body and head with your spine neutral.
When you get to the top of the movement squeeze your biceps for 2 seconds, this contract will help the muscle to increase muscle growth.Variations:
Outer Biceps: To set up your outer biceps (which helps high) Hold the barbell with a close grip, about 5-8 inches apart.
Inner Biceps: To target the inner biceps hold the bar with a wide grip, the wider the grip, the better you will target your inner biceps.
Mentality can barbell curl, a lot of energy from you so sure that you concentrate fully on this motion. Remember to keep your elbows in the same place and always the biceps to lift the weight when you lean back or swinging perform the barbell to the curl the weight too heavy or have a temporary failure, not at this point or it could be injury.