Barbell Bent Over Rows Workout
Muscles worked: Lateral muscles for adding thickness of the lateral muscles
Spotter Required: No
Minimum Equipment Required: Standard barbell with standard weights
The best equipment to use: Olympic barbell with Olympic weights
Warm-up: When is dumbbell bent over rows, the first exercise in the back I workout strongly recommend warming up the back with about 5 warm up sets, go gradually increasing the weight and the reduction of repetitions as you go through the warm-up sets. For example:
Warm-up Set 1: 20% of the weight you normally lift 12 reps
Warm-up Set 2: 60% of the weight you normally lift 8 reps
Warm-up Set 3: 75% of the weight you normally lift 5 reps
Warm-up Set 4: 85% of the weight you lift in the rule for 3 reps
Warm-up Set 5: 95% of the weight you normally lift for 1 rep
How often should this exercise: Barbell bent over rows for the great lateral muscles and can be carried out with each workout. Bent over rows can also complete with free weights, see an arm dumbbell rows.
When should this exercise: Barbell rows is not a great deal of energy, so that at the end of the back exercise can be performed.
How to exercise: Standing with feet shoulder-width apart the dumbbell attack with a shoulder width overhand grip. Now bend your knees slightly and hinge at the hips so your back is at a 45 degree angle, you withdraw your shoulder blades and ensure that your head remains neutral with your spine. Hold this position throughout the workout just start it, raise the dumbbell in your mid / lower abdominal muscles so that your elbows flare out to the sides as you lift, they cling to the body.
If the bar reaches your abdominal muscles, press your shoulder blades for half a second on the lat muscles, then lower the weight to the starting position in a controlled manner (not gravity drop the weight back down), complete this motion until the set is complete.
If you find that you can not control the weight are on the way up or down too hard, put the weight and try again.
Variations: If you grab the bar with a wide grip to the posterior deltoid (back of shoulders) target. Bent over rows may also be using free weights. To target the lower part of the lateral muscles, you can use a shoulder width underhand grip.
Note: In order to take pressure from the lower back, you should create a slight arch in your lower back, the best way to do this is to stick to your butt after you move your back to the 45 degree angle.
Common mistakes:
Difficult to raise - I often see people in the gym lift much too heavy, they in fact so heavy that they just throw the weight and gravity to bring it back down without lifting strict control whatsoever. Unfortunately for these people, they are only risking injury to the back and also does not work the lateral muscles.
Keep your head down or forward - I often see people hold their head forward and look in the mirror, never do, always keep your head neutral with your spine during exercise.
People seem to forget that this exercise a line for the lateral muscles - the flickering of the elbow. If you use a rowing machine Flare elbow to the side when you pull the cord? Of course you would not, would you ensure that your arms remain on the sides all the time, so make sure that it bent over rows with barbell.
Mentality: Barbell bent over row is an exercise rowing, if you lose the form, remember that this does not begin an exercise rowing a lifting exercise. Also, make sure you squeeze lat muscle at the top of the movement, as this blood in the lateral muscle strength for a better contraction.
Spotter Required: No
Minimum Equipment Required: Standard barbell with standard weights
The best equipment to use: Olympic barbell with Olympic weights
Warm-up: When is dumbbell bent over rows, the first exercise in the back I workout strongly recommend warming up the back with about 5 warm up sets, go gradually increasing the weight and the reduction of repetitions as you go through the warm-up sets. For example:
Warm-up Set 1: 20% of the weight you normally lift 12 reps
Warm-up Set 2: 60% of the weight you normally lift 8 reps
Warm-up Set 3: 75% of the weight you normally lift 5 reps
Warm-up Set 4: 85% of the weight you lift in the rule for 3 reps
Warm-up Set 5: 95% of the weight you normally lift for 1 rep
How often should this exercise: Barbell bent over rows for the great lateral muscles and can be carried out with each workout. Bent over rows can also complete with free weights, see an arm dumbbell rows.
When should this exercise: Barbell rows is not a great deal of energy, so that at the end of the back exercise can be performed.
How to exercise: Standing with feet shoulder-width apart the dumbbell attack with a shoulder width overhand grip. Now bend your knees slightly and hinge at the hips so your back is at a 45 degree angle, you withdraw your shoulder blades and ensure that your head remains neutral with your spine. Hold this position throughout the workout just start it, raise the dumbbell in your mid / lower abdominal muscles so that your elbows flare out to the sides as you lift, they cling to the body.
If the bar reaches your abdominal muscles, press your shoulder blades for half a second on the lat muscles, then lower the weight to the starting position in a controlled manner (not gravity drop the weight back down), complete this motion until the set is complete.
If you find that you can not control the weight are on the way up or down too hard, put the weight and try again.
Variations: If you grab the bar with a wide grip to the posterior deltoid (back of shoulders) target. Bent over rows may also be using free weights. To target the lower part of the lateral muscles, you can use a shoulder width underhand grip.
Note: In order to take pressure from the lower back, you should create a slight arch in your lower back, the best way to do this is to stick to your butt after you move your back to the 45 degree angle.
Common mistakes:
Difficult to raise - I often see people in the gym lift much too heavy, they in fact so heavy that they just throw the weight and gravity to bring it back down without lifting strict control whatsoever. Unfortunately for these people, they are only risking injury to the back and also does not work the lateral muscles.
Keep your head down or forward - I often see people hold their head forward and look in the mirror, never do, always keep your head neutral with your spine during exercise.
People seem to forget that this exercise a line for the lateral muscles - the flickering of the elbow. If you use a rowing machine Flare elbow to the side when you pull the cord? Of course you would not, would you ensure that your arms remain on the sides all the time, so make sure that it bent over rows with barbell.
Mentality: Barbell bent over row is an exercise rowing, if you lose the form, remember that this does not begin an exercise rowing a lifting exercise. Also, make sure you squeeze lat muscle at the top of the movement, as this blood in the lateral muscle strength for a better contraction.