Sumo Style Deadlift Workout
Muscles worked: Back & inner thighs
Spotter Required: No
Minimum Equipment Required: Standard barbell weights
The best equipment to use: 7ft Olympic barbell with Olympic weights
Warmup: Warmup are generally not required if the implementation of abdominal crunches, if you do then do 5-10 reps warmup at medium speed.
How often should this exercise as it is a basic exercise and a lot of energy, you should at best be performed in every training cycle. Personally, I miss a week, then they lead others.
When should this exercise: sumo style deadlift is a compound, and a lot of energy is recommended to run this at the start of back training.
How to Exercise: Make sure with a very wide stance on a loaded barbell, point your toes outward.
Bend your knees and hips, squatting down to grasp the bar with a shoulder width, staggered to handle (a hand with reverse grip). At the beginning of the exercise of the bar should touch your shins and head should be neutral with your spine.
Time to move with outstretched arms and the back flat through the floor with their feet by moving the bar up your legs (do not allow the weight to the outside swing, hold it firmly to the body during exercise). Squeeze your legs, buttocks and back at the top for 2 seconds and then release the bar to pull your legs back to the ground.
Mentality: like all exercises of the dead lift sumo style requires a large amount of concentration, always remember, keep your head with the spine neutral at all times and never sacrifice form by overloading the barbell.
Spotter Required: No
Minimum Equipment Required: Standard barbell weights
The best equipment to use: 7ft Olympic barbell with Olympic weights
Warmup: Warmup are generally not required if the implementation of abdominal crunches, if you do then do 5-10 reps warmup at medium speed.
How often should this exercise as it is a basic exercise and a lot of energy, you should at best be performed in every training cycle. Personally, I miss a week, then they lead others.
When should this exercise: sumo style deadlift is a compound, and a lot of energy is recommended to run this at the start of back training.
How to Exercise: Make sure with a very wide stance on a loaded barbell, point your toes outward.
Bend your knees and hips, squatting down to grasp the bar with a shoulder width, staggered to handle (a hand with reverse grip). At the beginning of the exercise of the bar should touch your shins and head should be neutral with your spine.
Time to move with outstretched arms and the back flat through the floor with their feet by moving the bar up your legs (do not allow the weight to the outside swing, hold it firmly to the body during exercise). Squeeze your legs, buttocks and back at the top for 2 seconds and then release the bar to pull your legs back to the ground.
Mentality: like all exercises of the dead lift sumo style requires a large amount of concentration, always remember, keep your head with the spine neutral at all times and never sacrifice form by overloading the barbell.