Dumbbell Hammer Curls Workout
Muscles worked: Biceps, works the outside of the biceps and forearms, a great exercise to improve muscle separation between biceps and triceps.
Spotter Required: No
Minimum Equipment Required: Standard Spinlock Dumbbells
to use the best equipment: Fixed barbells or dumbbells Olympic
Warm up: Warm up to perform a rate 15 to 20 reps of the exercise with minimal weight, typically half to one rep max.
How often should this exercise: hammer curls are a great workout and do not require much energy, so that it can be carried out during a biceps workout.
When should this exercise: The minimum energy used for hammer curls any time you can take during your training arm.
How to do the exercise: Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand, you should have your hands on the side of you. Remove the weights up to your chest without twisting your wrists.
2 seconds to fully contract the muscle, and then slowly return the weights to keep the starting position, to think of resistance throughout the movement - if you get to the top of your biceps for a squeeze.
Keep your head neutral spine and keep your knees slightly bent so as to take pressure off your back.
Mentality: Dumbbell Hammer Curls can be a little strange hold on the first and you can top hurt your forearms feel something, but keep in mind focused on this exercise and, over time you will see large separation between the biceps and triceps.Variations:
Seated Hammer Curl Dumbbell Hammer Curls you can sit on the bench press or make use pattern bank if you prefer this to a halt.
Preacher Curl Hammer: Ideal for placing more emphasis on the forearms and gives them a good deal.
Triceps: You can perform hammer curls tricep but remember doing it this way, your range of motion is reduced.
Alternate Hammer Curl: This can sit or stand but you only lift one dumbbell one at a time, which is great if you want to build on a weak area, eg completion of an additional rate on your weaker arm.
Spotter Required: No
Minimum Equipment Required: Standard Spinlock Dumbbells
to use the best equipment: Fixed barbells or dumbbells Olympic
Warm up: Warm up to perform a rate 15 to 20 reps of the exercise with minimal weight, typically half to one rep max.
How often should this exercise: hammer curls are a great workout and do not require much energy, so that it can be carried out during a biceps workout.
When should this exercise: The minimum energy used for hammer curls any time you can take during your training arm.
How to do the exercise: Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand, you should have your hands on the side of you. Remove the weights up to your chest without twisting your wrists.
2 seconds to fully contract the muscle, and then slowly return the weights to keep the starting position, to think of resistance throughout the movement - if you get to the top of your biceps for a squeeze.
Keep your head neutral spine and keep your knees slightly bent so as to take pressure off your back.
Mentality: Dumbbell Hammer Curls can be a little strange hold on the first and you can top hurt your forearms feel something, but keep in mind focused on this exercise and, over time you will see large separation between the biceps and triceps.Variations:
Seated Hammer Curl Dumbbell Hammer Curls you can sit on the bench press or make use pattern bank if you prefer this to a halt.
Preacher Curl Hammer: Ideal for placing more emphasis on the forearms and gives them a good deal.
Triceps: You can perform hammer curls tricep but remember doing it this way, your range of motion is reduced.
Alternate Hammer Curl: This can sit or stand but you only lift one dumbbell one at a time, which is great if you want to build on a weak area, eg completion of an additional rate on your weaker arm.