Incline Dumbbell Curls Workout
Muscles worked: Biceps, particularly short head. Ideal for the short head of biceps (short head of the biceps helps to bend or raise your shoulders).
Spotter Required: No
Minimum Equipment Required: Standard Spinlock dumbbells and incline bench press
To use the best equipment: Fixed barbells or dumbbells with an Olympic Olympic Incline Bench Press
Warm up: Warm up to perform a rate 15 to 20 reps of the exercise with minimal weight, typically half of your 1 rep max.
How often should this exercise: Depending on your goals, probably every other biceps session. I say this because if you aspire to size, the training program includes a focus on all areas of the biceps and so some of the short head of training to be done.
When should this exercise: This exercise can be performed at any time during your biceps training.
Ask the bank to an inclination of 45 degrees: how to do the exercise. Sit back on the bench, so you are against flat. The upper part of the arms should be down towards the floor. Lower your arms but do not lock the arms out completely. Then contract your biceps in the arms up again.
For a more intense workout, press biceps at the peak of contraction to more blood into the muscle strength and a better pump.
Mentality: Concentration is the key here, as you can feel your arms almost exposed to the outside there is an urge to swing the weight up as you begin to fight. Do not give into this temptation! You must observe the technique, with your biceps to do the work. If the weight is too large, make sure to adjust accordingly.
Spotter Required: No
Minimum Equipment Required: Standard Spinlock dumbbells and incline bench press
To use the best equipment: Fixed barbells or dumbbells with an Olympic Olympic Incline Bench Press
Warm up: Warm up to perform a rate 15 to 20 reps of the exercise with minimal weight, typically half of your 1 rep max.
How often should this exercise: Depending on your goals, probably every other biceps session. I say this because if you aspire to size, the training program includes a focus on all areas of the biceps and so some of the short head of training to be done.
When should this exercise: This exercise can be performed at any time during your biceps training.
Ask the bank to an inclination of 45 degrees: how to do the exercise. Sit back on the bench, so you are against flat. The upper part of the arms should be down towards the floor. Lower your arms but do not lock the arms out completely. Then contract your biceps in the arms up again.
For a more intense workout, press biceps at the peak of contraction to more blood into the muscle strength and a better pump.
Mentality: Concentration is the key here, as you can feel your arms almost exposed to the outside there is an urge to swing the weight up as you begin to fight. Do not give into this temptation! You must observe the technique, with your biceps to do the work. If the weight is too large, make sure to adjust accordingly.